PACS Snacks is a small token of appreciation to our ACA staff. Once a month, both campuses receive yummy treats. These treats are donated by YOU!

This is a fun and simple way to give a big THANK YOU for all our staff does to engage, equip, and encourage our ACA students. 

Mark your Calendar
- September 11
- October 9
- November 13
- December 13th-20th (We will be asking for food donations for our 6 Days of Christmas/PACSmas this month rather than traditional PACS Snacks)
- January 8
- February 5
- March 12

Sign-Up Genius
In order for us to organize the supplies appropriately, we use the sign-up genius platform. It's an easy way to sign-up for an item or two, receive a reminder email, and edit if you need to make a change.


If you are interested in volunteering for this event, please click on the button below. 

February 5th Sign Up (Coming Soon!)

Have questions about this event?

Contact our PACS Snacks Coordinator, Amy Turpin.