PACS Annual Events
Click on the links below to learn more about what we do
Do you already shop at any of these?
For very little effort, a portion of your purchases at these merchants will be donated to PACS. Share with friends and family to help support our school!
Know of other stores that offer school rewards or 501c non profit donations? Let us know so we can sign up! Email Christie Lanzen at or Kalea Kulbe at
King Soopers
Sign up for PACS to receive a donation every time you shop for the groceries you already buy!
American Furniture Warehouse
Present our flier or give our School ID (ABRK16) for PACS to receive 2%-4% on your purchase!
Longmont Dairy
Save milk caps from your Longmont Dairy containers and turn them in to the school. ACA will receive 5 cents for each cap! Drop them off in our "cow" container in the front lobby of the Elementary entrance. See Elizabeth Hopkins with questions.
Save the Date!
All currently scheduled 2024-2025 PACS Events are listed on our Google Calendar